Greg W. Anderson

The Visionary Speaker
Greg W Anderson The Architect

About Greg

Architecting realities, one speech at a time.

From the Silicon Slopes of Lehi, Utah to the dense jungles of Mexico, Greg's journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. As a community systems architect and a digital innovator, Greg is not just a speaker; he's a storyteller who weaves together his unique experiences, providing audiences with a fresh perspective on community-building, business innovation, and personal growth.

Greg W Anderson the architect merkaba logo light body
Greg Anderson CEO of Jedari book as a motivational speaker ted talk business conferencemeditation beachin tune with nature elephant
volunteer work
mayan ruins mexico temple spiritualityIndiana Jones tour temple ruins secret teachings hidden mysteries
Greg Anderson tea Peru medicine ceremony spiritualityTulum, MexicoGreg Anderson CEO of Jedari book as a motivational speaker ted talk business conference

Watch Greg Tell His Story Firsthand

Dive deeper into the unparalleled journey of Greg W. Anderson.

Keynote Topics

The digital revolution in community building

Dive deep into the art of building virtual communities in the digital age. Learn from Greg's experiences in creating Jedari, a groundbreaking platform that has transformed the community-building landscape.


To Greg, every digital tool is a pledge towards a world united in understanding and collaboration, shaping a luminous and cohesive future.


Engage in Greg's riveting journey from a tech innovator in Utah to a spiritual explorer in Mexico, and how these contrasting experiences shaped his vision and purpose.

Bridging Business and Spirituality: A Holistic Approach to Life & Business

Combine passion and purpose, understanding the pivotal role of vision in steering business growth. Delve into strategies for assembling the ideal team and discover how transformative business practices pave the way to industry dominance.

Join Greg on his mission to intertwine technology, business, and compassion in an ever-evolving dance of progress.

Learn more about gregBook as a speaker

Previous Engagements

Greg Anderson CEO of Jedari book as a motivational speaker ted talk business conference

Booking Greg

Architecting realities, one speech at a time.

For speaking engagements, workshops, or panel discussions, please reach out to

Greg's passion and insights promise to leave your audience inspired and enlightened.