Greg W. Anderson

Beyond The Binary Code
Greg W Anderson The Architect

Greg W. Anderson

Trailblazer, Truth Seeker, Titan of Tech
Greg W. Anderson isn't just a systems architect; he's the epitome of what it means to fuse contrasting domains into a cohesive journey. With the soul of a seeker and the mind of a tech wizard, he has pioneered paths that many wouldn't even dare to dream.
Greg Anderson CEO of Jedari book as a motivational speaker ted talk business conference
Pioneering Jedari's
Tech Revolution

As the CEO, founder, and architect, he's transformed the world of digital community-building.

meditation beach
Public Speaking Maven & Meditation Guru

Sharing wisdom & insights on the blend of technology and spirituality on grand platforms.

mayan ruins mexico temple spirituality
Systems Architect

360+ Successful System Builds and an ever-ticking counter.

systems architect
Real Estate

Flipping over 1,000 properties, revealing a knack for the tangible.

volunteer work
Digital Marketing

Generating a staggering $100 million through digital courses and coaching.

Tulum, Mexico

Two decades and numerous ventures testify to his business acumen.

Indiana Jones tour temple ruins secret teachings hidden mysteries
Film Director &
Published Author

Executive producer of two groundbreaking films and a published author shedding light on life's intricacies.

in tune with nature elephant
Transformation Titan

Three transformative years deep in the jungles with the Maya of Mexico, uncovering ancient wisdom.

Greg's Story

From Humble Beginnings

Born into modest means in American Fork, UT, Greg's early years were anything but easy.

"Life started for me as a struggling Mormon kid, facing academic hurdles and the sting of 'special classes.'"

But the hardships of his youth were merely the prelude to a remarkable ascent.

“My parents separated when I was young and I became a father at the age of seventeen, just two days before my high school graduation... I didn’t know who I was or what to do. Then, with the loss of my father too early in life and the birth of my second child by my early 20s, I found myself in a perilous job maneuvering a cement pump truck near high-voltage lines. I remember asking, ‘Is this my life now? Is this my reality?’ My answer: No, I wasn’t going to accept that as my reality.”

To Monetary Success

Driven to rewrite his story, Greg turned to the wisdom of self-help classics, which ushered him into the realm of programming and then into the mortgage business.

“I started creating my new reality and reading self-help books, like Think and Grow Rich and Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I became a low-level computer programmer before working with mortgage loans and closing multi-million dollar deals. Then I moved into owning my own internet marketing companies. I went from being an entry-level programmer to making an eight-figure income in online sales within a few short years.”

To Realizing Money Isn’t Everything

Unfortunately, as most can relate to, the achievement of financial success didn't exactly provide the fulfillment he sought. Instead, it led to the development of detrimental indulgence habits and an existential crisis. 

So, he took a page from the playbook of a skilled system architect: he stripped life down to its bare framework, put the system in a new environment, and began rebuilding.

“I didn’t yet know that there was more to ‘success’ than money and the real journey was about to begin. In 2017, I sold the Ferrari, the house, and everything else I owned to live in third world countries and jungles, studying shamanism and the original traditions from around the world.”

To Undertaking The Ultimate Quest For Meaning

Living Like A Modern-Day Indiana Jones

After parting with all of his possessions, Greg embarked on an extraordinary quest to rediscover himself and his purpose. He spent years living as a nomad, relentlessly seeking answers by exploring diverse landscapes, from the jungles of Mexico to the hidden temples of Italy, and learning from Mayans and monks alike.

Driven to explore his inner self as deeply as the world around him, he accepted a 3-year commitment proposed by an indigenous grandmother - one that would push his physical, spiritual, and mental boundaries to their limits. This triad quest—avoiding all substances, abstaining from intimacy, and not altering his hair—was a testament to his commitment.

During this time, he meditated for up to 14 hours a day and immersed himself in studies in a variety of fields - neuroscience, psychology, relationships, breath-work, meditation, subconscious programming, and philosophy and spirituality of both east and western traditions. 

After 3 years, Greg emerged from the jungle transformed.

“Coming out of the Jungle left me bare but I finally found the authentic me, more powerful, more understanding, more loving, more at home on planet Earth.”

Watch Greg Tell His Story Firsthand

Dive deeper into the unparalleled journey of Greg W. Anderson.

Head over to our Speaker page to immerse yourself in his story, narrated by the visionary himself.

Join Greg, not just to hear a story, but to be inspired, to challenge your own boundaries, and to believe in the magic of metamorphosis.

Go to the Speaker Page to Watch Greg's Story